Biology has developed very rapidly in the XXI century and affect various aspects of human life. The
biologicalprogress from time to time growing in terms biofunction, biodevelopment,
bioenvironment, biotechnology, biomanagement and bioethic, which also carries a different
direction of the biology education. Therefore, it is not wrong Naisbitt and Aburdene opinion of the
XXI century as the century of biology. Change the position of biology is clearly a challenge for
biologists and biology educators. To address these challenges, need to be prepared prospective
teachers who excel and be able to compete , to have science process skills and innovative and
creativity. Learning science especially biology are less likely to develop process skills, as a result of
students being passive, boring and became less interested to learn in the end. Therefore, it is
necessary for innovative efforts in order to study biology can go further to provide opportunities for
students to be able to do science process skills. Media exhibition in learning biology is a public event
that showcases real and student performance. The activity aims to apply science - biology products
(concepts of biology, the process of science, (science process skills), as well as the scientific attitude.
Through this exhibition is expected to develop various aspects of independence, creativity and
innovative, producing and communicating the real work. From the study above, the idea of the
exhibition media in learning biology is a focus on the exposure of this article.
Key Words: scientific process skills, creativity, innovation, media exhibition, biology learning
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