Wahyu Eko Setianingsih


This research has three objectives : first, analyzing the determinants that affect the company’s capital structure in upstream sector, second analyzes the determinants that affect the company’s capital structure in the downstream sector, and third analyzes the affect of differences in determinants of corporate capital structure of the upstream and downstream sectors. The research used purposive sampling method in which a sample company. Based on purposive sampling method, there are 30 companies that were visited during the study. The research data obtained from the BEI in the Indonesian Capital Market Directory. This research uses linier regression to answer the first and second objective, and use the Chow test to answer the third objective. Based on the 20102013 financial statetments, the results showed that the only variable that affects the NDTS of capital structure in the upstream sector. In the downstream sector of the variable ukur and risk that affect the capital structure. Chow test results indicate that there are differences in the influences of determinants of corporate capital structure upstream and downstream.


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