Ageng Soeharno


Indonesia is a big country that has a great number of population, cultures, dialects, and languages as
well. Here the writer takes Serat Dewaruci as his preference because there exist the event and the
multicultural education learning in it. As it is told in Serat Dewaruci, the King decendant, firstly,
Wrekudara can not speak polite Javanese (kromo and kromo inggil), but after finding the Dewaruci,
he can speak polite Javanese and even talk by using expressions. Many of the expressions talked are
the idiomatic expressions. That is why, the writer introduce it further to the reader with the title: “An
Analysis on Category Changing Process of Javanese Idiomatic Expressions Used in Serat
The problems of the present study covers: What are the idiomatic expressions found at the third part
in Serat Dewaruci? In writing and composing this paper, the writer has a purpose, that is analysing
the category changing process happened to Javanese idiomatic expressions those are used in Serat
Dewaruci. The study was qualitative in which the data was in the form of corpus of text. The data
collected were consulted them to the experts, whether the collected data were correct or not. After
the data had been collected, the selection of the data were done to choose the accurate data given by
the informants. Furthermore, the step in data analysis is analyse the word changing of the idiomatic
expressions by applying the process of the category changing.
From this analysis, it is found that there are 2 kinds of idiomatic expression categories. They are:
the idiomatic expressions those are as phrases, and the idiomatic expressions those are as sentences
or clauses. Finally, the writer suggests that the Javanese youth have to take care this Javanese literary
work, especially the Javanese song, because it is difficult or even impossible for the other country
literary work to influence the Javanese one. The writer also suggests that this paper can be used as
the comparative analysis for further research.
Keywords: Expressions, idiom classification, category changing

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