The Role of Argomoulyo Village Samsat in Breaking Taxpayer Density in Bantul KPPD 2017 – 2018

Salmawati Salmawati, Dian Eka Rahmawati, Anang Setiawan


The problem of paying taxes is the responsibility of Samsat. Bantul has a Regional Tax Service Office which is responsible for the implementation of the Samsat. The Main Samsat of Bantul has problems in queuing taxpayers who are challenging to decipher, and the targeted tax nominal has also not met the nominal that must be realized. This has become a conversation in the National Police Corruption. In 2017 the National Police Corlantas initiated the existence of a helper Samsat with the name Samsat desa. Samsat Desa was inaugurated in 2017 and Yogyakarta became a pilot city for the construction of village Samsat. Village Samsat is an auxiliary Samsat at the village or kelurahan level. Village Samsat is formed to bring taxpayers closer to Samsat services so that taxpayers do not have to travel long distances to the main Samsat. The type of research chosen in this study is qualitative, which is intended as a type of research whose findings are not obtained through statistical procedures or other forms of calculation. Then the types of data taken are primary and secondary. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, documentation, and literature. The data analysis unit in this study was the head and staff of the Bantul Regency KPPD, Argomulyo Village Samsat staff, and 10 Argomulyo Village Samsat visitors, totaling 20. The results of this research were the role of Argomulyo Samsat Village in breaking down taxpayers in Bantul Central Samsat and prove that during the one year of the implementation of the Samsomulyo village Samsat, it can reduce the queue of taxpayers in the Main Samsat of Bantul. So that in 2018, payments in the Bantul KPPD become more organized, and taxpayers do not jostle or wait for very long service times. In conclusion, the implementation of village Samsat can be said to be successful because Argomulyo Village Samsat is considered to be able to reach the surrounding community and receive motor vehicle tax of Rp 656,813,500.00 with 1,905 motorized vehicles paying the fee. The socialization of the Argomulyo Village Samsat in collaboration with Spot Radio, Radio Persatuan Bantul, TV Persatuan Bantul and the website of the Village of Argomulyo. This socialization had a positive impact on the development of village Samsat, and the community satisfaction index, Argomulyo Village Samsat scored 78.87 and was classified as useful.
Keywords: Samsat, Service Innovation, Argomulyo, Bantul

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